Launched last year as part of the UO's diversity initiative, the Building Business Leaders project welcomes its second group of incoming students. Catch up with the first cohort in this video. Competing in the elite Venture Labs Investment Competition (formerly Moot Corp.), UO start-up teams won honors in their respective tracks: Sonas for Best Written Plan and Best Presentation, and VisiRay for Best Written Plan. Did you see? Our Portland-based executive MBA program was featured in Alaska Airlines' Horizon Air magazine. In the international spotlight: a grand total of six professors and PhD candidates presented at this summer's World Marketing Congress in Reims, France. Hey, UO NetImpact and accounting fraternity Beta Alpha Psi, congrats on achieving gold status! American Express announced the winners of last spring's social media case competition: business students Julie Grimstad and Trevor Haynes, and advertising major Kaila Bittinger.